Happy, Healthy New Year! A Love Letter from Me to You!

From my heart and soul to yours…I wish you a very happy, healthy 2018!  Please take the time to read this entire heart felt letter from my heart to yours. I don’t do this often!

This is a new beginning. A time to reflect on what we accomplished in 2017 and what we learned and how we grew.

This is an opportunity to forgive ourselves for any shortcomings, and to affirm that we did the best we could at the time with what we knew and were able at the time. A very wise quote I hear is that, “Forgiveness is looking back and knowing that nothing could have been different, and learning from it.”

Today we can start setting our intentions, goals, hopes and dreams for our best in 2018! My husband and I love to pull out all the magazines and make a vision board this time of year to solidify and put onto paper our hopes, dreams, intentions and goals. Every time we do this we can look at it throughout the year and see things coming to us and feeling so grateful and blessed. Then, at the end of the year we are in awe and enormous gratitude that not only did most or all of these things on our board come true, but we were blessed with so much more. It works! It really really works! I promise you.

Making a vision board:

Get a big poster board, glue stick, magazines and markers, or print out words & pictures from your computer.

Draw two lines on your board to make 4 equal squares.

Give each square a category like:

  • Work/Career
  • Personal Growth
  • Family/Romance/Marriage
  • Fun/Travel
  • Spiritual Life/Growth
  • Volunteer/Giving Back/Paying it Forward
  • Physical Well-being(exercise, diet, stress reduction)
  • …you may need to make 2 vision dream boards!!

Then, cut up those magazines…mind you, you may need to go buy some positive magazines or create your own words, and pictures or print from internet! Be creative and don’t limit yourself…DREAM BIGGER!

Remember we are a body, mind and spirit and all of these aspects of ourselves need to be tended to like a garden. What does your body, mind and soul need and long for at this moment?

You may like to put on meditative or classical music and do a meditation and prayer before starting this project.

How do you want to be a positive influence on this world, on your community, on your friends and family, at work? Shine Brightly this year, be big and bright! The world needs us all to come together and SHINE and love and support each other for the greatest good. Love conquers ALL! We all need more LOVE! How will you show your love and compassion this year? What matters to you? What charities can you volunteer or contribute to this year? Start at home and with your neighbors! Too many times we forget the people within our reach and think we have to go to great places and lengths…when the people who need us most are right in front of us!

My prayer is that 2018 will bring all of us our heart’s desires and all our needs will be surpassed with many blessings. I am sending you all so much love, many blessings and a big hug.

I promise that I will walk my talk and will post my vision board soon. Some of the things I am doing are:

  1. helping each patient I have as if they were the only patient I will ever have…helping them heal with love, patiences and kindness along with great tasting, healthy food!!! ;P
  2. Being a more loving and kind person
  3. Volunteering at the Animal Shelter and giving animals as much love and attention and healing I am able.
  4. Learning as much as I need to grow in order to help others with their health(physical, mental and emotional)

Donating to causes that call to my heart and bring tears to my eyes(Feeding Hungry Children and Americans, Building Wells for clean water and education for girls that would otherwise have to spend their days fetching water! Saving Elephants! Planting Trees! Shopping Consciously on Thrive Market and local farmers markets, small artisan companies, CredoBeauty.com, Credo Cell Phone Service, Buying organic, local, sustainable, reducing our footprint, Spending time with Animals! Blogging/Vlogging more helpful information. Living more mindfully each day, one day and one moment at a time. Surrendering to going with what arrives and arises. Healing my own health. Loving my husband better. Giving up control! Stepping into other peoples shoes asking myself what they must be feeling before I respond….finding the silence between the many thoughts that bombard me…quieting my monkey mind. Accepting that I am enough. Learning to love myself more…this will be my biggest challenge!

Looking back at 2017, it was a very challenging year for me. I had many health challenges because I did not listen to my body, or my loving Husband, screaming at me to slow down and to stop. Now, I am forced to stop some things and really slow down and change some of my habits and create better ones. Not easy, but essential to living my best life. That said, I also did do some positive things like learning to play the violin which gave me great joy and also taught me balance! I lost my balance because I played so much everyday for 7 months that I developed tendonitis in my elbow! I had to stop playing, which saddened me, for a few months and I healed my elbow…along with CBD Oil Balm! Now, I will resume with more balance…playing 10 minutes every other day and slowly working up to more as my body allows.

I have learned that being ambitious vs. being stupid is a delicate balance! I have pushed myself hard, too hard, for too long and it has lead to poor health and mental exhaustion. I have momentarily lost that sense of drive b/c I am just exhausted.

Some things I have found to be helpful are remembering to use the tools and resources in my box! Listening to Hay House Radio .com and APP, turning off the news and only listening or reading the weeks review on Friday, Listening to educational webinars, summits, podcasts and Pandora Radio. Music is so healing and moves my soul! Watching documentaries and comedy and movies that touch my heart. Starting my day with opening my eyes and being grateful, finding something to appreciate, praying and setting my intention for the day, swinging my feet out of bed and grounding myself and lighting up all my chakras, releasing any negative energy and bringing in the love of God throughout my whole body and resonating love, setting a morning routine that makes me feel good(sauna, hot shower, aromatherapy, hot drink, healthy breakfast, supplements, petting my kitty and sending him outside surrounded in love and God’s protection, sending my husband out into the world with love, a good healthy lunch and God’s love and protection and surrounding him with Angels to work though him with ease and grace to heal all of his patients(who adore him)! Remembering throughout the day to take breaks, go in the sunshine, breathe deeply, do a short meditation, listen to music, learn something new, reach out to someone who needs some love or my time or just to listen to them(hard for me), and keeping my balance throughout the day! Finishing my day with a prayer of gratitude, telling my husband how much I love and appreciate him, telling our fur baby that I love him and feeding him the best raw food diet money can buy, listening to a meditation(Glenn Harrold Relax & Sleep) and setting the intention of what I want to dream about! I have also bought a library of books to read and now I need to use time management to schedule that in along with my violin playing! Remembering to schedule in fun and time to do NOTHING! Time to remember to use my 5 senses and take in the here and now!

Every time I start to freak out that the world is going to Hell and wonder where I can move to that is better…I stop myself, look around and get really grateful and give myself a reality check…all is well at this moment for me and I am blessed, safe and grateful! You can do this too. It works so well! I think of Cher, saying “Snap out of it”!!! ;P Old movie!

Also I have a milestone birthday next week, and its been a very interesting year of shifting for me in all areas of my life and mind and body! At my age, I will not say, I am learning to be wiser…thank God! I am now listening to my body, mind and spirit and honoring what it needs and wants. I am trying to live more simply and mindfully. What was once important to me is no longer. I am focusing on what really matters and how I can use my life to matter…really matter and leave a positive legacy. I believe that I came here with what I am suppose to have and to be…each day I try to use my gifts for the greatest good. I always feel I could and should do more. I am setting the intention that I will do my best at the time and that it will be enough. I wish that for everyone.

I am so inspired by watching Oprah interview amazing people who have had an enormous positive impact on countless people on Super Soul Sunday. This is my Sunday morning ritual to watch and be inspired while sipping my Matcha Tea Latte(see recipe on Resources page)! I never feel that I am making a big enough difference or that I can, and seeing that 1 person really can have a huge impact inspires me and drowns out my own insecurity and false beliefs! Watch and be inspired…there are still super good hearted people doing super good things in this world…we just forget especially when we get sucked into the news and media hype!

If we all focus on being loving and kind and radiating that energy into the world imagine what an impact and ripple effect it causes!!!! Just close your eyes,  take a deep breath and IMAGINE! I truly hope that I am helping you on your journey because you matter….you really matter. You are loved….very loved….but you must open your heart and receive that love. Let love flow into your heart and from your heart to all.

Now, be safe and have a fun and wonderful New Years Eve and Day! We are off to a spiritual celebration tonight with friends and community to ring the New Year in with a healthy dinner, meditation, dancing and healthy dessert, yes there is such a thing!!! Be safe, use UBER & LYFT, read my post on Gluten-free Alcohol and stick to your diet…no cheating! Until I post next time…be safe and you take good care of YOU! Find at least one new tool you will use in 2018, many are listed above. Now, go make that vision board and please post on this blog post that you did it! Share it on your FB!

Happy, Healthy, Fun 2018! May you be blessed beyond your wildest dreams. May you thrive instead of survive! I am here for all of you who are ready, willing and able to address your diet to create a customized diet and meal plan with recipes just for you according to your health. Feel free to contact me for Health Coaching. Find a Naturopathic Doctor if you don’t have one: in CA, wwwCALND.org, outside of CA, http://www.Naturopathic.org…need to find one through these sites to ensure they have have had a 4 year degree/are Licensed ND’s & primary care physicians and not a unlicensed Naturopath that only took an 18 month course! Get your team together to support you for your highest good! Thanks for taking the time to read this love letter and for supporting my life’s work/passion in helping you Thrive.

Blessings and Hugs!

Back to School and Fall

Wow what a busy summer! I am so ready for some quiet, cool Fall days to nest at home and recharge my body, mind and spirit! Health is mostly impacted by 3 catagories: 1. Food/Diet, 2. Lifestyle/Stress levels, 3. Chemicals/Environmental Toxins.

I have been on a nerd fest lately, and attending several medical webinars and seminars, and they all are talking about the 3 factors above being scientifically linked to illness, disease and death!

I have a confession to make, I eat really clean and healthy most of the time. I am 100% gluten-free, dairy-free, white sugar-free expect for the quarterly Mexican Coke which I have vowed to give up since it’s just not satisfying! I also eat all organic and am not eating out as much anymore and look for restaurants that use local, organic produce and meats.

My house has an Austin air filter, well-water with extra whole house filters, no chemicals of any kind in cleaning for house, pet or humans, we remove our shoes(not to drag in chemicals and toxins and gross dirt we’ve walk in) and organic furniture and so on. We have a timer on our wi-fi and tested our home and it has very low Wifi registers on the Geiger meter! We live in the woods with fresh air, nature and peaceful quiet.

This all must seem like I am an extreme whacko, but I want to control what we can and do what we can because we are exposed to so many chemicals we cannot control. So, just do what you can and make progress as you are ready. This all happened for us over time.

So my confession is that my missing or broken piece of the puzzle of health is STRESS! I do everything else pretty well most of the time, but I screw up too b/c I am human too. The one lesson I have not mastered to to surrender and know that all is well and everything always resolves itself. I know it in my head, but my body hasn’t gotten the message yet! I am a certified yoga and meditation teacher, but don’t practice it enough myself! So, this is my focus this Fall to really calm my mind. I give all my worry over to God and Angels and I let go and hope to heal my own health.

I recently was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and probable Fibromyalgia! I have suspected it for a long time, but have been in denial b/c I did not want to have those health issues! Well, I do. ;( And, I am having to slow down and adjust my lifestyle.

I have never thought of myself as an over-acheiver, but a therapist pointed out the definition and I sunk down in my chair and said, ok I am guilty. I have pushed myself very hard for as long as I can remember. I am always chronically overdoing it. I strive to be better, smarter, more loving, healthier, etc…I mistook ambition for stupidity. I thought if I just kept trying harder and harder I would somehow achieve Nirvana in all areas of my life!!! Instead, I am just exhausted with serious health issues.

The good news is that I have a lot of compassion and understanding for others who are ill and suffering. I also know the signs and symptoms to look for and the solutions. It is very challenging for me to just rest and relax when I feel I constantly have a never ending To-Do list. I need to be okay with not getting the list done and see the progress of what I have accomplished, and to be okay with just relaxing or having fun! What is that I ask? So, I will report back to  you periodically on this.

I did start playing violin this year which has become very meditate and joyful! It is never too late to learn something new or do what you’ve always longed for or dreamed of doing. Do it! I am having a ball! Again I over practiced…one hour a day for 6 months and now I have “Tennis Elbow”. So the lesson of slowing down and pacing myself keeps showing up! Now I have to play in short spurts a few times a day and I’ve taken a month off and nurtured my elbow. So, back to food…my favorite subject and thing to do is cook and eat!

I know the holidays are around the corner so I am going sugar-free until the holidays, then I will choose my sweeteners carefully to keep my health and immune system strong! I am boosting my immune system now so I stay strong and healthy this fall and winter. I have been making homemade bone broth for free, from veggie scraps and leftover bones; and soup with lots of veggies-so delicious and satisfying. And, I am really amazed at how much more satisfied I feel after a delicious piece of organic fruit than a sugary dessert.

Sugar is the root of inflammation, illness, lowered immune system and disease! See the video, The Bittersweet Truth about Sugar,  on my video page by Dr. Robert Lustig. You will be astounded! A few excellent documentaries are, What the Health and Whats with Wheat! Check them out and have a movie night at your house with friends and family. They are very insightful and motivating!

I am choosing to enjoy organic berries and organic apples that are low in sugar and high in anti-oxidants and hundreds of nutrients and health benefits. Try an organic apple with 2 Tablespoons of  organic/unsweetened nut or seed butter. I love cashew butter from Trader Joe’s, www.ThriveMarket.com or homemade. Valencia Peanut butter is the only peanut that does not contain mold so go for Valencia…at Trader Joe’s. Beans and Lentils, nuts and seeds are a great source of fiber and protein without the animal protein.

Berries and apples that are not organic/conventional have over 40 pesticides!!!! These pesticides will adversely effect health of the endocrine system, neurological and brain function and are linked cancer. If your child, or you, have ADD/ADHD or just some difficulty focusing…try removing all processed sugars and artificial dyes/colors are very harmful too.

Go pick your own if you live near organic farms…its a great outing for the family and the kids love it. If you cannot get to a farm, a farmers market is the next best thing. Also, Costco has organic berries and apples for a great price if you are on a tight budget! Remember baked apples and homemade applesauce too.

Soda is another place that is loaded with sugar! A can of soda has 1/4 cup of sugar and a Big Gulp has a 1/2 cup of sugar!!!! I have introduced many kids and teens for the 7 summers, to Stevia sweetened soda..either Zevia store bought or they can make their own! Go to http://www.Sweetleaf.com for lots of flavors of stevia and just add 6 drops to 12 ounces of sparkling water from a glass bottle. Kevita Coconut Water Keifer is even better b/c it is a bubbly sweet drink with no added sugar, and has fermented probiotics and lots of electrolytes too. Please toss the Gatorade which is loaded with sugar and artificial colors, and trade it for a natural/delicious version called Recharge. Teach your kid’s now and change your own habits and you will all feel so much better with these small changes.

Remember to buy everything in glass when you can b/c the plastics may be free of BPA, but hey are loaded with other harmful chemicals. Get stainless steel bottles to take on the go…at Bed Bath and Beyond for $10! I also put my smoothies To Go in 12 ounce glass Mason Jars.

September and October can be a time loaded with parties and holidays and sugar! So I have posted cake/cupcake & frosting recipes made with homemade alternative milk or store bought on my FREE RECIPES Page. Please send them with your bundles of love to parties and school. They are so delicious and will not give them the sugar spike, crash and overwork their pancreas and cause diabetes!

Finally, remember sugar is not only the white stuff. It is all forms of sweeteners which the pancreas has to produce insulin to process. When you eat fruit that contains fiber it will slow the absorption of sugar and blood sugar levels will be more even and steady.  High carb grains like rice, potato, tapioca convert into sugar too. Our bodies need a certain amount of sugar for fuel, but most people are eating more than they realize.

Everyone is unique and has different needs, so listen to your body and watch how your children behave and feel after eating certain foods. Keeping a food journal on an APP like Cara or on a calendar along with health symptoms can reveal so much. Kid’s need some carbs and a good amount of protein and tons of veggies for nutrition and to help them grow. Adults need less carbs typically. The exception is if you have Adrenal Fatigue and you may need a few red potatoes or sweet potatoes or root veggies at lunch and especially dinner.

I challenge you to try a new veggie each week! You will find some new favorites!

My specialty is to help people create a super tasty customized diet that meets their personal needs and that of the family to reach your best health. I want you to Thrive not just survive! I have gone from barely surviving(2 hours of energy a day) to much more energy(12 hours of energy) through diet and lifestyle. I have had a temporary set back, but I am making the necessary changes to find my balance and you can too.

I understand how it feels on both ends of this spectrum of health and illness. I am now doing phone consults, so call me to get a fresh start as we go into the Fall and Winter. See Contact for details. I am here to help and support you because I care and want the best for you.

Be Well & Thrive and Many Hugs and Blessings to you. Have a fabulous day and week! Go to the Free Recipes page now. Remember to check out the video for a good parents movie night!